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Prepare Your Water Well for Natural Disasters With a Backup Pump

Prepare Your Water Well for Natural Disasters With a Backup Pump
Written by
Simple Pump
Published on
October 14, 2024


The Simple Pump deep well hand pump can provide the water to get you through your disaster. You need to prepare your water well before the disaster.

Natural disasters can wreak havoc on a family’s way of life. Having systems in place can mean the difference between defeat or triumph after a natural disaster hits. Since electricity is a prime casualty of most disasters, having a backup hand pump can save you time, money, and heartache, as many Simple Pump customers have found. 

In the U.S. 2017 was the costliest year on record for natural disasters, totaling at least $306 billion. The cost to individuals will never be known, but includes more than just money. 


The year started off with torrential rainfall in California, marking the wettest winter in a century. Parched after years of drought, the rainfall officially brought the dry spell to an end as floods inundated hundreds of homes and landslides buried roads. Flooding across Missouri and Arkansas in the spring also claimed 20 lives and carried a $1.7 billion price tag.

Floods can take out roads and power lines, not to mention a home’s plumbing systems. A Simple Pump customer in Montana described how his pump paid for itself after a flood ruined their house water systems. His family would have been forced to move to a hotel for a week until the water was restored.

The Simple Pump worked well and we were able to pump water for drinking and staying clean until we were able to get pressure tank, hot water tank, and piping back in the basement. It saved us lots of money because we would have had to go to a motel for at least a week without our pump….We kept the motor home full of water for showers and dishes with just 100 pumps.

Extreme rainfall events are trending upward, and nine of the top 10 years for extreme one-day precipitation events have happened since 1990. And all this moisture-laden air helped drive the powerful hurricanes that made landfall in the United States.


“To say this hurricane season has been historic is an understatement,” FEMA Administrator Brock Long told Congress in October.

One Simple Pump hand pump customer in Texas said, “Now living outside of Houston Texas I’ve seen friends and family suffer through three major hurricanes since 2005. No access to water? No thank you.”

The southern states have always seen hurricanes. And many have taken out the power for days, even weeks on end. Anyone who lives in a hurricane-prone area knows how costly in time and money it is when the power goes out, even for a short time. A Simple Pump can quickly pay for itself in such situations.


Storms, hurricanes, floods, drought, heat waves — all of these have the potential to take out the power for short or long periods. The most immediate danger of loss of power is the loss of access to water. Natural disasters are inevitable. With a Simple Pump, scrambling for water isn’t.

Puerto Rico isn’t the only location in the U.S. where the prospect of a long-term blackout due to massive infrastructure damage is a possibility. But the lack of power there is a stark reminder that life without water is very difficult indeed.

Even short of a major catastrophe that would wipe out the grid, having the Simple Pump on hand makes solid sense. As one Simple Pump customer in Ohio told us, “On June 29, 2012, a violent storm passed through most of the state and, in our immediate area, some people were without electricity for up to 11 days.” Fuel was nearly impossible to get, but thanks to their Simple Pump, this family weathered the storm and the power-outage without major hardship.

What’s YOUR plan?

Check out Simple Pump’s backup water pump options today!

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