Client Story: Simple Pump From Facebook

Richard Nolte, on Facebook
I bought my Simple Pump about a year and a half ago, and it is still downstairs with my emergency preparedness supplies. Like my stored food supplies, the pump allows me to sleep peacefully just knowing it is there if I need it.
The electric pump on my well is about nine years old, and if I had to replace it, I would not want to have to pull out the Simple Pump first, in order to do that. Also, if there was an earthquake (such as is described in the Bible), I am hoping the Simple Pump would be better protected where I am keeping it in storage…and I might be able to use it at some well which is not damaged by the quake. Of course, if the grid goes out from a cyber attack, or EMP, I can use it whenever it becomes necessary, within only a couple hours to install it.
I am very glad I have my pump, and that I purchased the one with the arm extension for ease in pumping. I have a couple of the fifty-five-gallon water safe barrels I can fill with the Simple Pump, using RV drinking water hoses, and also the pressure device which would allow me to pump water uphill, or pressurize the pipes in my house. Yes, I was very pleased and satisfied with the customer service and fast shipment I received from Simple Pump, and I would highly recommend this company and its products.
My neighbor was planning to buy a cistern system and solar pump, but when I showed him my Simple Pump, he decided he could get water from me if needed, or buy his own Simple Pump for his family.
Thank you for the excellent customer service and for my Simple Pump.
God bless you and this company for creating the Simple Pump and for creating this Facebook page to spread the knowledge for the need of this well-made product.