Client Stories: If I Can Install the Simple Pump, Anyone Can

We have modest home in Connecticut near Danbury. Our three acres are home to two horses, four chickens, two dogs, three kids and very busy Mom and Dad. We built our home ourselves. We were the contractors and responsible for some of the construction, so I am not a complete idiot with a hammer. Our well is 315 feet deep and fractured with a 1.7 gallon refill- just the minimum to get our CO. The well is halfway between the house and barn.
We do lose power here often because of big thunderstorms in the summer and ice storms in the winter. The worst problem is not having water. I can do without heat (have a wood stove). I can do without electricity (have a camp stove and oil lights) but without water is a drag. Horses drink around 10 gallons a day. They deplete any stored water quickly.
The manual well pump helps me sleep at night. One less thing to worry about.
I can install the Simple Pump!
I did the Simple Pump installation myself. If I can install the Simple Pump, anyone can do it. REALLY… I am just a 54-year-old humble housewife. The tools are simple. The directions are clear.
Here is the trick I used.
I downloaded the video of how to install the pump. Then I took my laptop out to the well site. I laid out old white sheets on the ground and assembled everything I needed. As I played the video, I went step by step. It works great.
I was so proud of myself.
Now, I am saving up for the solar panel.